Friday, November 25, 2022

Le Château de la Belle au Bois Dormant Interior BGM

Status: Unknown. Heard since 04/1992.

Running time: ~23:39


01. Prince Phillip Arrives [Edited: 00:00 ~00:07]
02. Main Title / Prologue [Edited]
03. Hail to the Princess Aurora [No vocals.]
04. The Gifts of Beauty and Song [Edited: 00:00 - ~02:26]
05. True Love Conquers All [Edited]
06. The Burning of The Spinning Wheels/The Fairies Plan [Edited]
07. A Cottage in the Woods [Edited]
08. I Wonder [No vocals.]
09. The Burning of The Spinning Wheels/The Fairies Plan [Edited]
10. Once Upon a Dream [No vocals.]
11. A Secret Revealed [Edited: ~00:38 - ~00:53]
12. Aurora's Return [Edited: ~00:18 - ~01:28]
13. Sleeping Beauty [Edited: ~01:51 - End]
14. A Fairy Tale Come True [Edited: 00:00 - ~01:29]
15. Awakening
16. Finale

All tracks derived from the Sleeping Beauty film soundtrack. Many are heavily edited.


Preliminary playlist compiled by eyore, needmagic, and wedroy1923, based on a 2012 live recording by needmagic.

Last updated 11/25/2022.

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