Thursday, December 15, 2022

America Sings


As per 1313: "Just reviewed a live recording (April '75) of America Sings to confirm that 'Columbia, The Gem of the Ocean' was used as load background music as detailed earlier. There it was, in all of its minute and a half glory. (Only twenty seconds or so are found on my cassette as I was attempting to record the "real" show and capturing the end of 'Columbia' was incidental.)

With regard to 'Columbia' apparently not showing up in WED / MAPO / DL Sound Dept. records - I'm not really that surprised. As it was part of the original load sequence, it was probably rolled into the pre-show along with everything else. Also, once it was no longer used, perhaps all references to it were removed as well?

Ride leads of that era have told me that there was never was any audio 'contingency plan' for either COP or AS if the theater was unable to rotate due to load or unload issues. The audience would just sit through the same act twice. It makes little sense that such a short cue would have been recorded for such a purpose. If the theater was unable to rotate due to mechanical issues, the audience would be walked out and the attraction shut down.

On the other hand, it does make sense that a 1:35 track would be recorded as load music as when combined with the brief load show one ends up with EXACTLY the right timing used for every other 'act' (other than unload, which is about 40 seconds shorter than the others).

'Columbia, The Gem of the Ocean' was used as America Sings load music until sometime in early '81.

As I recall visits prior to '81 where 'Columbia' was not utilized perhaps this seemingly simple audio cue was problematic from the get-go. I suppose that might explain why it was eventually dropped all together." (Magic Music post 5257, 05/25/2003)

Last updated 12/15/2022.

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